12 Clear Signs You’re Making All the Wrong Money Moves


Are you frustrated with your financial situation?

Do you feel that no matter how hard you work, the bills keep piling up?

We’ve all been there; it can be disheartening and overwhelming.

But have you ever stopped to think about why your finances are in such a bad place?

It could be that some of your decisions aren’t as sound as they could be.

In this article, we’ll look at 12 signs indicating that you’re making poor financial choices and what strategies you can use to get on the road to better money management.

#1. Asking for Money You Won’t Repay

Photo Credit: AntonLozovoy via Deposit Photos.

Asking for money can be embarrassing, but some may only need to do it a few times when struggling.

However, others out there will consistently ask to borrow with no intent to repay, even if they say they will.

Worse still, they’re making poor financial choices with this money and continuing to engage in habits that threaten their own finances and leave them in a cycle of borrowing and never actually repaying.

#2. Quitting One Addiction for Another

Man saying no to alcohol
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People with less money are allowed to enjoy things, but some might become addicted to certain things.

In this instance, cutting it out completely could be the right course of action.

An excellent example of this is people who have a problem with alcohol.

But sometimes, rather than taking advantage of the fact that they’ve cut out addictions and managed to save money, they’ll instead spend that money on a new addiction that leaves them in the same financial position they were in.

#3. Prioritizing the Wrong Things in Your Budget

Couples stressed looking at bills
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Have you ever had someone complain about having no money yet buying non-essentials?

One person describes how they had someone who would complain that they couldn’t afford shoes for their children but would end up with custom rims and wheels on their cars.

If that doesn’t scream financially irresponsible, I don’t know what does!

#4. Investing in a Business or Side Hustle Without Doing Research

Man annoyed
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s hard to get by with a full-time or part-time job these days, so many will turn to small businesses and side hustles to generate income.

But while there are plenty of success stories, an equal number of individuals will dive in without the proper research.

Plenty of financially irresponsible people will buy all the materials, think that they’re somehow going to be able to start a business, and fail because they haven’t met any of the prerequisites needed to get off the ground.

#5. Only Knowing Monthly Amounts But Not Total Payment

confused woman with bills
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

This is generally about people who buy cars without thinking about it.

If you ask someone how much a car costs, they’ll likely give you the full amount.

Others who are financially careless or clueless will not.

Instead, they’ll reply with the amount they’re paying monthly, which is often quite large because they’re being overburdened with high-interest rates and paying way more than what the car is worth.

#6. Making Impulse Buys Right After Payday

young woman with cash
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Having adult money can be exciting, but it can also be quite tempting.

Plenty of people will get their paycheck without thinking twice about spending it on things they want without saving it first or spending it on bills they need to pay.

Whether it’s for a hobby or a product that they won’t even use, those who are financially irresponsible show their true colors when they get paid and immediately start ordering things or shopping for items that will only set them back further.

#7. Struggling But Always Getting Food Delivery

Photo Credit: erezniy via Deposit Photos.

Gig apps like Uber Eats made it easier than ever for you to get your hands on your favorite fast food.

However, it also created a trope about the person who’s constantly struggling yet has enough to order takeout every day consistently.

This wouldn’t be a trope if it weren’t a common issue.

Numerous people will complain that they won’t have enough money but will spend a ton on food delivery apps, all of which cost you more than if you were to get it yourself.

#8. Can’t Pay Rent But Always Partying

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Rent is one of the significant expenses, and it would stress the average person out tremendously if they found themselves short right before it was due.

But people who like to party? Absolutely not.

Many people recount friends and family who never had enough money to make the rent but would somehow be able to scrounge up enough to engage in their favorite pastime.

Not only is this irresponsible, but the consequences can be dire compared to skipping out on other expenses.

#9. Getting Tattoos Religiously

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Likewise, you might know someone who always seems to have money for tattoos.

There’s nothing wrong with tattoos, but they’re often expensive, especially if you get a good amount of your skin inked.

Some people will spend a ton on tattoos but never have enough for other expenses, leading people to wonder why they’re spending their money on a tattoo instead of looking for ways to earn more money to pay for the tattoo.

#10. Spending Available Funds on Vacations

Photo Credit: belchonock via Deposit Photos.

Some examples are hyper-specific.

One person talked about a family who didn’t have enough money for new tires (and other essentials), so he got another family member to pay him for remodeling work that she needed to be done around the house.

But does he spend that money on new tires?

Of course not.

Instead, he takes the money he earned from that work and spends it on a vacation to New Orleans!

#11. Having High-End Everything But Always Being Broke

Photo Credit: ryanking999 via Deposit Photos.

Being poor is expensive.

Even if some products seem cheaper, the reality is that they break more often and cost you more over time.

This is why an argument can be made for investing in higher-quality products.

However, those who make bad financial decisions may invest in high-end everything, even if they don’t need it.  

#12. Overspending on Cars That Are More Than Functional

Man in car
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

You don’t always need the nicest things, but some people do.

Rather than spending their money responsibly on a car that does the job and gets them to where they need to go, some wi buy an extremely nice car that costs them more than they actually make.

That’s a recipe for financial disaster!

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