Be Your Own Boss! Ditch the 9-5 Using These 17 Wildly Profitable Side Hustles


Are you dreaming of quitting your day job and becoming your own boss?

Tired of the daily 9-5 grind but don’t know where to start?

Taking charge of your life can be daunting at first, but it is possible to make a side income that eventually replaces your traditional career.

These days there are so many options for making an extra buck, so why not go for it?

In this article, we’ll explore 17 wildly profitable yet simple-to-get-started side hustles that can help you ditch the 9–5 race in no time!

#1. Narrate Audio Books

man speaking into microphone
Photo Credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

If you have a distinct voice, you could make serious cash as a voice over artist.

The simplest path is with audiobooks.

Virtually all books that come out now have an audio version because people love to listen on the go.

But it doesn’t end there.

You could voice commercials, animated movies and shows, and more.

#2. Playing Video Games

Photo Credit: mproduction via Deposit Photos.

It was a dream of many young boys.

They would think, “if only there was a way to get paid to play video games.”

Well that dream has come true.

Many people record themselves playing video games and have people pay to watch.

In some cases, you can create special equipment for your characters and sell them to other gamers.

#3. Waitressing

Photo Credit: shinobi via Deposit Photos.

A flexible side job that allows you to make money on your own terms is still a side hustle. 

One popular idea is becoming a waiter/waitress on the weekends. 

If you work in a popular place at the right time, you can make around $100-$200 in tips per day on top of the hourly wage for your hard work. 

Granted, sometimes it will be slower and prevent you from hitting your income goals. 

However, if you’re bringing in $200-$400 every weekend just by waiting tables, that’s not a bad way to make money under the table. 

#4. Housesitting/Pet Sitting

Photo Credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

Summer months are vacation time for some but side hustle time for others. 

Even though it might not pay as much in some scenarios, one person describes how they bring in an extra $100 per week housesitting and pet sitting for friends and family who go on vacation during the summer months. 

Because they live alone, all they have to do is pack a bag, head over to the house, and stay there until it is time to collect. 

It’s a very easy side hustle and great if you can continuously find opportunities! 

#5. Writing Fiction Novels

Photo Credit: solovyova via Deposit Photos.

Creative side hustles are among the best for those looking for something stimulating outside their 9-to-5. 

One woman discusses how she’s managed to publish a couple of books on the Amazon Kindle store, with one that’s the least successful, only selling 17 copies over two years, and one that’s the most successful, managing to bring in around $1,000 a month. 

Even better, an audiobook publisher published one of her books directly. 

If you have plenty of stories you’re itching to tell, you can turn those stories into a passive income opportunity. 

#6. UberEats/Instacart/(Insert Gig Economy Delivery App Here)

Photo Credit: erezniy via Deposit Photos.

Gig economy apps are still going strong. Whether people can’t get their own groceries or food or want the convenience of getting it delivered to their homes, they’re willing to pay. 

Whether it’s UberEats, Instacart, DoorDash, or something else, people can make a decent amount hourly or per order to generate extra income when they have free time. 

Remember that earnings will vary greatly depending on where you live and what orders are available near you. 

#7. Casual Nursing

Caring doctor teaches female patient to use mobile healthcare app. Retired lady sitting in hospital exam room looking at cell screen learning to download health tracker for senior citizens. Copy space
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

What’s causal nursing? 

A lot of people talk about their main job being nursing, which requires you to work long hours. 

But there are actually some people in the medical field who will essentially be a nurse on the side. 

By doing this, they can avoid making it a full-time job and instead pick up shifts whenever they feel like it. 

Besides the extra money, this helps some avoid dealing with extra stress. 

All that being said, most people who do take on this side hustle are nurses in their day job, then take on other nursing shifts for the extra cash. 

#8. Posting on YouTube/Streaming

Photo Credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

Monetizing media is an excellent opportunity for creative types to bring in some additional income, and one side hustle that leverages this is posting videos on YouTube or streaming. 

For those who don’t know, YouTube is a video platform that houses a wide range of content creators focused on education, entertainment, and beyond. 

You can monetize these videos by getting sponsors and inserting ads to make money off of ad revenue. 

One man describes how he brings in about 1,000 views per video, earns a nice little income, and has gotten some opportunities from those reaching out because of his work. 

Of course, if you’re strictly into something like gaming, another standard recommendation is streaming. 

With streaming, you live stream an activity (generally gaming), and people pay you through subscriptions. 

Get popular enough, and you can gain a large following willing to watch you do whatever!

#9. Fixing and Selling Used Lawn Equipment

Photo Credit: pryzmat via Deposit Photos.

Are you handy? Do you have technical know-how surrounding specific products like lawn equipment? 

If so, this side hustle idea might be for you. 

One person describes how most fuel destroys lawnmowers when they sit there for long periods. 

They then scoop them out of the trash when people inevitably throw them away, fix them up, and flip them for a profit. 

They also fix up a wide range of lawn equipment and offer blade sharpening services to make extra cash. 

If you know how to fix things and spot stuff that people will use, innovative flipping like this will surely be a good side hustle for you. 

#10. Doing Tax Prep

Photo Credit: robynmac via Deposit Photos.

Tax season comes every season, and those who understand taxes and have a financial background can easily make money off it. 

One person who’s a CPA recommends doing tax prep as they make around $30/hour doing it and only work about 6-10 hours a week around tax time. 

This helps them put a couple of grand in their pocket and helps them avoid getting paid less to do the same thing at local tax companies. 

#11. Freelance Video Game Programming

Photo Credit: AlexGul via Deposit Photos.

Being good with tech comes with its perks, especially if you know how to program. 

One person took their knowledge of Unity C# to start working on testing and improving video games on the side. 

While they describe it as more of monetizing a hobby rather than a side hustle, they are still able to bring in a few thousand a year doing this kind of work. 

If you ramped it up and connected with the right indie developers needing some outside help, you might be able to make even more doing the exact same thing. 

#12. Renting Out Your Home During Special Events

Photo Credit: Feverpitch via Deposit Photos.

If you live near or in the city, chances are that there are always big events near you. 

Those that draw in huge crowds often bring in people from outside the state alongside people who already live nearby. 

These people sometimes have trouble booking accommodations for these events, which is where an opportunity for you arises. 

If you have an available property that you can rent out, timing it around these events can be a great way to bring in some extra cash. 

When hotels and other places inevitably run out of space, your property will show up on the radar of those who want to be nearby, and you can get to earn the profits instead of those places they would usually go to that are now fully booked. 

For example, a few years ago, the Pope visited our city. We had friends rent out their townhouse for a few thousand dollars.

Our friends spent the weekend at our house, happy not only to make easy money but also to avoid the traffic and busyness of the city.

#13. Refereeing Soccer Games

soccer referee
Photo Credit: sixdays24 via Deposit Photos.

If you have a love for soccer and extra time on your hands during the weekends, one side hustle that might be perfect for you is refereeing soccer games. 

Those who earn extra money describe that the process is simple. 

After taking a few online lessons and attending a six-hour class, you can begin refereeing recreational games, which can net you around $25 to $35 an hour. 

You can do professional games, but these generally pay the same amount and require much more preparation on your part.

#14. Teaching English Online

Photo Credit: Sepy via Deposit Photos.

Where there’s education, there’s an opportunity to tutor. 

One person describes how they use platforms like VIPKid to teach kids in China how to speak English for $20 an hour. 

However, there are some things that people need to be wary of. 

First, you will need a Bachelor’s degree to use the platform. This is relatively standard for most tutoring platforms, although you’ll be able to find some platforms that don’t require you to have a degree at all.

There’s also the fact that most tutors will keep odd hours if they’re tutoring outside of the country. 

But if you’re OK with all this, many are happy with this great side hustle idea. 

You may consider expanding and looking for other ways to tutor if you have experience in different subjects!

#15. Interior Painting

Photo Credit: rmarmion via Deposit Photos.

Many jobs related to renovating or improving the home pay well. 

One side hustle that some have suggested is interior painting. 

Interior painting jobs generally net you around $2,000 per gig, but it depends entirely on the scope of the job as well as what kind of services you provide. 

If you’re savvy, do a stellar job every time (outperforming your competition), and can manage to pitch yourself to surrounding homeowners who need their walls done or repainted, you might be able to earn a good amount of money on the side! 

#16. Picking Up Orders With Amazon Flex

Photo Credit: Olegkalina via Deposit Photos.

Do you have a car? Do you have a phone? If so, you have everything you need to join Amazon Flex. 

Amazon Flex is a platform where independent contractors can sign up to deliver Amazon packages without being official employees. 

This means they have greater flexibility over when and how they deliver packages. 

One person who lives in the Denver area discusses how, after depreciation, gas, and maintenance costs, they managed to bring in $30 an hour. 

Remember that they live closer to the city, which naturally tends to bring in more money with these kinds of opportunities than if you live in rural areas. 

#17. Blogging

Photo Credit: nd3000 via Deposit Photos.

Blogging is arguably one of the first side hustles that came after the advent of the internet. 

If there’s something people want to learn more about, they’re going to jump online to find it. 

As a blogger, you can then write pieces that attract readers and make money through affiliate marketing (posting a link on your website and earning a portion of the sale), PPC ads (through programs like Google AdSense), or even by selling your own products like e-books. 

Just keep in mind that blogging is a little bit harder than other side hustles. 

It takes time to get your blog set up and ranking, so there will be some upfront investment on your end.

Make Money While You Sleep

Photo Credit: AndreyPopov via Deposit Photos.

Yes, you can make money while you sleep. There are a handful of jobs out there that will earn you an income even after you stop working for the day.

The trick is finding the right one for you.


Make Money With Your Body

Photo Credit: TarasMalyarevich via Deposit Photos.

Did you know you can make money with your body? While there are ways to earn an income doing things that you might consider objectionable, there are many other options out there that are quite normal.

Take for example selling blood plasma or taking part in research studies.

If you want to know how to make money using your body (and put forth very little effort in the process) you need to check out this article.


Sell Feet Pictures For Serious Cash

Photo Credit: verona_S via Deposit Photos.

Selling pictures of your feet can be a significant income stream. Some people report earning six figures a year doing this easy job.

All you need is a camera and two feet and you are in business. Here is all you need to know to make life changing wealth selling images of your feet.


Legit Ways To Make $1,000 Fast

Photo Credit: starast via Deposit Photos.

Are you in need of cash fast? There are many things you can do, but a lot of the ideas out there only allow for a limited income.

Here are over 25 great ways to make up to $1,000 in a short amount of time.


I Need Money Now

woman reaching for money
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Do you every say to yourself, ‘I need money now?’

Whether it is for bills or unexpected expenses, here is how to get cash fast.

In many cases, you can have cash in your hands the same day.


This thread inspired this article.

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