Step Aside, Whippersnappers! 17 Things Boomers Still Do Better Than Millennials and Gen Z


The Baby Boomer generation, spanning 1946 to 1964, harbors a wealth of timeless skills and values forged in an era of simplicity and diligence.

These individuals carry diverse knowledge and experiences, standing as pillars of resilience and wisdom in our rapidly evolving, technology-driven landscape.

In our world, where instant gratification and virtual connections prevail, the virtues and abilities of Boomers are a gentle reminder of the importance of patience, hard work, and the essence of real human interaction.

Let’s explore 17 aspects of Boomer expertise that spotlight their adeptness in various realms, reflecting the enduring and precious treasures of their era:

#1. Writing Checks

Photo Credit: johnkwan via Deposit Photos.

The Baby Boomer generation has truly mastered the art of transactions.

They are well-versed in writing checks, a skill that refers to when digital payments were non-existent.

This ability ensures accuracy and purposefulness in every transaction—an attention to detail often lacking in today’s paced exchanges.

#2. Not Needing GPS

Photo Credit: Olegkalina via Deposit Photos.

Baby Boomers excel at finding their way without relying on technology.

Their natural sense of direction, honed through years of reading maps and observing landmarks, is unmatched.

This characteristic fosters an awareness and connection with the environment surrounding them.

#3. Taking Care of Clothing

Woman using Laundry Basket
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Taking care of apparel is deeply ingrained in Baby Boomer culture.

Their meticulous approach to maintaining garments—from washing to storage—prolongs the lifespan and quality of each piece.

This careful preservation reflects their appreciation and respect for their belongings.

#4. Securing Personal Data

man spying through blinds
Photo Credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

Baby Boomers are highly skilled at securing information in an age filled with threats.

Their cautious attitude towards sharing sensitive details demonstrates their understanding of the value of privacy.

This discretion acts as a shield protecting them from prying eyes in the world.

#5. Less Likely to Give In to Instant Gratification

clueless older man
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Boomers have cultivated the ability to delay gratification, emphasizing the value of patience and foresight.

Their preference for long-term rewards over immediate pleasures is a characteristic developed when instantaneity was not the norm.

This discipline allows them to make more considered and rewarding life choices.

#6. No Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

happy old lady
Photo Credit: oneinchpunch via Deposit Photos.

The Boomer generation is renowned for their contentment and lack of the prevalent ‘Fear of Missing Out.’

Their satisfaction with their current state and lack of constant comparison to others fosters a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

This mindset promotes a more fulfilled and enriched existence, free from the anxieties of constantly keeping up.

#7. Handyman Skills

High Angle View Of Male Plumber In Overall Fixing Sink Pipe
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Boomers possess diverse practical skills, from fixing a leaky faucet to building furniture.

Their hands-on knowledge is a product of a time when DIY was not just a trend but a necessity.

These versatile skills enable them to address and resolve everyday problems with self-reliance and ingenuity.

#8. Appreciation of Technology

Photo Credit: SIphotography via Deposit Photos.

Baby Boomers have witnessed the technological revolution unfold, seeing the advent of the computer and the rise of the smartphone.

Their lived experience of technological evolution grants them a unique and profound appreciation for modern innovations.

This perspective fuels a deeper understanding and gratefulness for the conveniences technology brings to daily life.

#9. Cursive Writing

Photo Credit: 4masik via Deposit Photos.

Boomers are the bearers of the beautiful and almost forgotten art of cursive writing.

This elegant form of penmanship symbolizes their generation’s emphasis on meticulousness and presentation.

The flowing script reflects aesthetic appeal and the importance placed on thoughtful communication.

#10. Dressing Up for Events

man wearing watch
Photo Credit: cozyta via Deposit Photos.

Boomers understand the significance of presenting themselves well and dressing appropriately for occasions.

Their attention to detail and respect for dress codes reveal a commitment to honoring traditions and maintaining decorum.

This attitude ensures the preservation of societal norms and cultural etiquette at social gatherings.

#11. Appreciating America

White house with American Flag
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Growing up during times of change has instilled within Boomers a lasting appreciation for their homeland.

Their love for their country is shaped by their experiences, encompassing both hardships and triumphs that result in patriotism.

This enduring sense of respect and gratitude contributes to a more unified national identity for them.

#12. Changing a Flat Tire

Photo Credit: Vaicheslav via Deposit Photos.

Boomers possess skills in the essential task of changing a flat tire.

Their proficiency is a testament to an era where self-reliance and mechanical know-how were crucial life abilities.

This capability ensures journeys by overcoming the untimely challenges posed by automotive mishaps.

#13. Not Giving Up When Things Get Hard

Old Man looking stunned
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Baby Boomers exhibit resilience and perseverance, honed through eras marked by significant turmoil and transformation.

Their steadfast determination to face adversity reflects a resilient and enduring spirit capable of overcoming hardships.

This inner strength enables them to navigate life’s uncertainties with grace and steadfast resolve, inspiring subsequent generations.

#14. Being on Time

clock and calendar
Photo Credit: belchonock via Deposit Photos.

The Baby Boomer generation emphasizes punctuality, a characteristic deeply ingrained in their upbringing.

Their commitment to arriving on time showcases their respect for the schedules of others, demonstrating a sense of responsibility.

Respecting deadlines fosters and builds dependability, forming the foundation for enduring relationships.

#15. Understanding Voting is Their Public Duty

man voting
Photo Credit: IgorVetushko via Deposit Photos.

Baby Boomers view voting as more than a right; they consider it an essential civic duty.

This conviction arises from their rooted belief in responsibility and active participation in democracy.

Through their engagement with the process, they strengthen the pillars of democracy, ensuring a representative political landscape.

#16. Getting Dressed in General

serious old man
Photo Credit: diego_cervo via Deposit Photos.

The Baby Boomer generation has embraced the art of dressing as one of its defining characteristics.

Their thoughtful approach to attire reflects values placed on propriety and presentation during their formative years.

Taking care of appearance plays a significant role in upholding a sophisticated and polished societal image.

#17. Embracing Lifelong Learning

woman with adult daughters
Photo Credit: monkeybusiness via Deposit Photos.

Baby Boomers embrace the pursuit of knowledge throughout their lives, always seeking to learn and grow.

Their willingness to adapt and acquire new skills, even in rapidly changing technological landscapes, is commendable.

This continuous learning mindset enriches their lives, keeping them engaged and contributing to their ability to stay relevant and informed in an ever-evolving world.

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woman shrugging
Photo Credit: bonninturina via Deposit Photos.

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Photo Credit: aletia via Deposit Photos.

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Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

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