Do you ever feel like someone’s watching you online? Turns out, your paranoia may not be too far from the truth.
Many people know that certain devices are spying on them, but many more don’t realize that other items are tracking them.
Here are ten ways big tech and the government track and spy on you, collecting your personal information.
Then take some steps to protect yourself and your privacy
#1. Loyalty Cards
Have you ever wondered how store loyalty cards can seemingly read your mind and offer you deals on the items you plan to buy at checkout?
The answer lies in the personal information these cards collect from you each time you use them.
From your name and email address to your purchase history and preferences, these cards allow retailers to build a comprehensive profile of your shopping habits and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.
In some cases, the stores may sell this data to third parties, which leads to spam mail and email offers.
#2. Smart TV
Smart TVs have rapidly become a common household item in recent years.
With high-quality displays and the ability to stream your favorite shows and movies, these devices have revolutionized how we consume entertainment.
However, many people might not know that these smart TVs collect your personal information.
Everything from your viewing habits to your browsing history and even your location can be tracked and analyzed by these devices if you connect the TV to the internet.
If that isn’t scary enough, more and more TVs are coming with a built-in camera.
The manufacturers claim they aren’t recording you, but do you trust them?
#3. Smart Phones
Your phone is a hotbed for stealing your personal information.
In the fine print of many apps, they list that they track you, but most people ignore this.
They also ask for permission to access your photos and voice recorder.
Why do they want this info? They look at the behind-the-scenes data in your photos to see where and when you traveled.
For your microphone, they want to listen to your conversations so they can offer you products they hear you mention.
Of course, anytime you search on your phone, this data is also being collected.
At the end of the day, always remember that if an app is free, chances are it is collecting your info, including the popular app Waze.
#4. Private Security Cameras
Security cameras are everywhere, not just at businesses.
Many homeowners have surveillance systems, including doorbell cameras.
While these are beneficial for deterring thieves, you have to remember that you are being recorded whenever you go for a visit or even stroll by on your daily walk.
This might seem harmless, but what if you have a personal conversation?
#5. Cable Box
Much like your television collects your data, so too does your cable box.
As you sit in your living room, binging on your latest favorite shows, your cable box silently gathers data on your viewing habits, recording the channels you watch, the shows you love, and the ads you see.
This information is then used to create targeted ads, recommend new shows, and sell to third-party marketing companies.
#6. Smart Devices
In today’s world of technology, the use of smart devices has become incredibly popular.
Smart devices like watches and fitness trackers are designed to make our lives easier, but have you stopped to consider just how much information they collect?
These devices track your every move, store your personal information, and even monitor what you say and type.
The same is true for digital assistants like Siri and Alexa.
While the convenience they offer is undeniable, it’s important to be aware of the potentially invasive nature of these devices and take steps to protect your privacy.
#7. Medical Devices
Medical devices have revolutionized how we diagnose and treat illnesses, but have you ever stopped to think about what happens to the personal information collected while using them?
Medical devices collect a vast amount of data, from heart rate to blood pressure to sleep patterns, all to improve your healthcare outcomes.
However, this data is often sensitive and can reveal intimate details about your life.
Do you know if you agreed for these devices to share this data with third parties?
#8. Firearms
If you purchase a firearm, you know chances are you will be subject to a background check.
But many people don’t realize smart firearms are coming on the scene.
These will have sensors that will only fire when the authorized person is holding them.
While this sounds like a great safety measure, the firearm will have to record your fingerprints, and who knows who will have access to this information.
Then there is the issue of needing to use a friend’s firearm to protect each other. Only it won’t fire because the right person isn’t holding it.
#9. Car Black Boxes
With every passing year, our automobiles are becoming more and more sophisticated.
Among the many technological wonders built into our cars and trucks, the one that often goes unnoticed is the vehicle black box.
These devices record and store information about the vehicle’s operation, such as speed, braking patterns, and engine performance.
While this information can be invaluable in an accident or malfunction, many drivers are surprised to learn that the data gathered by these devices often include sensitive personal information such as our driving habits, GPS location, and even our conversations inside the vehicle.
Most even collect information from your entertainment system, including the music or podcasts you listen to.
#10. Banks
If you ever attempt to withdraw or deposit a large amount of cash, prepare for the bank teller to ask where you got the money or what you will do with it.
For transactions over $10,000, there is a requirement that banks record the information and report it to the federal government.
But many banks are taking this one step further and keeping tabs on smaller transactions for internal purposes.
If a bank employee questions you about any transaction under $10,000, tell them it is none of their business and consider finding another bank.
#11. Clothing Stores
You might have noticed a new feature if you shopped online for clothing recently.
You can input your height, weight, and body type to get an idea of the right size shirt or pants to purchase.
This sounds simple enough, but the retailer is collecting this information about you and other shoppers to scale their business better.
For example, if they see big and tall men are their primary customers, they will order larger quantities of these sizes and less of regular ones.
Sounds innocent enough, but combine this with your address and credit card information when you complete a purchase, and they have a nice profile to sell to third parties.
#12. Yourself
You read that right.
You invade your own privacy, primarily by posting updates on social media.
The more personal information you share, the more companies, the government, and even thieves have on you.
They then can turn around and use this information to scam you, sell you things, or use it against you.
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