Glory Days Gone By: 12 Once Esteemed Jobs That Have Lost Their Shine


Are you looking for a job with status and prestige?

Many positions that used to be highly sought after have radically changed, leaving their once-prestigious reputation in the past.

As the world of work expands and evolves, many jobs have lost their shine or been replaced entirely by new roles that reflect modern times.

In this article, we’ll explore 12 formerly prestigious jobs that don’t carry quite the same respect today as they did years ago.

From blacksmiths to flight attendants, these jobs might surprise you!

Read on to find out more about which areas are no longer top of mind when it comes to prestige and why that’s happened.

#1. Blacksmiths

The blacksmith forging the molten metal on the anvil in smithy.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Blacksmiths used to be essential for everything townspeople relied on, which made them highly prestigious professionals and someone who was always in demand.

Now, the bulk of blacksmiths are hobbyists who are interested in what these people used to do.

However, some of the job responsibilities just went on to become more prominent in different career paths.

#2. Newspaper Columnists

Photo Credit: Rawpixel via Deposit Photos.

Who reads the paper anymore?

Not many people.

Once upon a time, newspaper columnists used to have a touch of celebrity and were looked up to by those around them.

Now, they don’t get nearly as much recognition or admiration.

#3. Local News Anchors

Photo Credit: innovatedcaptures via Deposit Photos.

Like newspaper columnists, getting your news has changed drastically.

Whereas people used to rely more on the TV and newspapers to get their information, you have a device you can check at any time to get news updates.

As a result, no one pays as much attention to local news or the local news anchors on them.

#4. Flight Attendants

Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Flight attendants used to be well-respected and known for their attractiveness, which almost became a selling point for flying.

That’s not to say that flight attendants are any different today, but the aviation industry has gone downhill for several reasons.

Add to that the public’s inability to behave, and it’s no surprise why flight attendants are no longer considered prestigious or respected.

#5. Furniture Makers

Furniture repair and assembly, handyman fixing table using tool, assembling at home after renovation. Happy millennial handsome guy screwing detail with screwdriver in living room interior, indoor
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Making furniture used to be something that meant something and made an impact on interior design.

Now, a lot of furniture is cheap and can be ordered with the press of a button.

Furniture makers still have a place in society, but the people turning to them are likely only those who can afford it, making them less of a household name.

#6. Radio DJs

man speaking into microphone
Photo Credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

Remember the radio?

Radio DJs used to wield a lot of power, informing the public what music was hot and engaging in a wide variety of public shout-outs and contests.

Because music has primarily shifted to streaming services, very few people pay attention to who is a DJ these days.

#7. Printers

Photo Credit: alex.wolf via Deposit Photos.

Yes, things were manually printed once upon a time.

This was a necessary job that helped to get information out to the public.

However, modern technology has made it so that printers are no longer needed.

#8. Travel Agents

Woman at work
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Travel agents used to be a big deal when people needed to get accommodations, get deals, and otherwise navigate travel without having to do anything themselves.

These agents might still be a big deal in some circles, like those needing corporate travel, but most people can do the basic online research needed to travel or just use a website that has slowly replaced these professionals over the years.

#9. Letter Carriers

Photo Credit: paseven via Deposit Photos.

The mail system has been and always will be important.

But that doesn’t mean letter carriers are as prestigious as they once were.

Today, many letter carriers feel they’re no longer that important, primarily delivering things like junk mail and Amazon packages to people in the area.

#10. Bankers

Man paying in check
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Investment banking is still prestigious and sought after in today’s world.

But retail banking? Not nearly as much.

Retail banking has lost a lot of prestige over the years, and a retail banking job is worth a lot less than it used to be.

#11. Freight Conductors/Engineers

Photo Credit: kokliang via Deposit Photos.

Freight conductors and engineers once played an essential role in making sure that things got to where they needed to be.

But if you’re up-to-date on things like the railway industry, you know how much of a mess it is.

Failing infrastructure, organizations looking to cut corners, low pay, and other undesirable factors have turned people off to these positions and made it so that nobody wants to work in this area.

#12. Land Surveyors

Photo Credit: AndrewLozovyi via Deposit Photos.

As long as construction is being done, people will need land surveyors.

But a land surveyor gig used to be a lot more exciting than it was previously.

This is mainly due to the colonial nature of land surveyors and how they were able to get a lot more for their jobs.

It’s still important, but not nearly as well-regarded as it used to be.

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This thread inspired this article.

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