Happiness Not Included: The 12 Most Miserable Careers That Will Sap Your Will To Live


Some jobs take more than they give.

Long hours and hard emotional work can make people in these jobs feel empty and unhappy a lot of the time.

It’s not rare to hear how these jobs wear people down, even when they work hard in tough or thankless situations.

Here, we’ll look at 12 jobs known for making people feel down and tired, taking their energy, and sometimes making them sad for a long time.

Come with us to see the hard truths about these jobs and learn about the special challenges and emotional loads they carry.

#1. Personal Care Workers

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Personal care workers spend so much time giving essential but heart-heavy help to others, often with not enough thanks or money.

They do things like helping with eating and bathing and are there for people when they go through tough and sad times.

Dealing with all this emotion and physical work daily can be tough on them.

#2. Food Service Staff

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Working in food service means constantly trying to get orders right and keep customers happy, and it’s often really hard work.

People in these jobs usually get paid little and deal with customer attitudes. Many times, they are never even thanked by customers.

Being constantly on the go and dealing with challenging moments, especially when they might not feel valued, can make their hearts heavy.

#3. Social Workers

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Social workers spend their days helping people and families through tough times, offering support and advice even when it makes their own hearts ache.

Running into significant, systemic roadblocks and not having enough resources can make their essential work feel like they’re not getting anywhere, even though they are doing something vital.

Constantly caring so much and fighting through those struggles without always seeing change can tire them out and sometimes make them feel worn down inside.

#4. Healthcare Workers

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Every day, healthcare workers step into a world surrounded by moments of life, death, and everything in between.

Their days are long, and taking care of patients takes them on an emotional rollercoaster, making their workplaces challenging and sometimes causing them to feel tired inside and out.

Trying to give care from the heart while keeping professional space, especially when things get tough, puts them on a stressful and emotionally complicated path.

#5. Lawyers

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Lawyers do much more than argue court cases; they put in tons of time doing complex research and paperwork and sometimes have to work on issues that challenge their beliefs.

Fighting for cases, even ones they might not personally agree with, and trying to find their way in a stressful, competitive work world can be harsh on their minds and spirits.

Plus, working long hours in high-stress situations and sometimes dealing with tough moral choices bring constant difficulties and tests into their daily work lives.

#6. Public Transportation Workers

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Driving buses and trains, public transportation workers are constantly dealing with the daily pressures of sticking to tight schedules and making sure all passengers are safe.

They have to face all kinds of attitudes from the people they transport and work in every weather condition, which brings its own set of challenging physical and emotional problems.

Being responsible for big, heavy vehicles for so many hours and under these demanding conditions can tire them out and wear them down.

#7. First Responders

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First responders are always right there in the middle of crises, always seeing very upsetting and scary situations.

They have to deal with situations where people might live or die, which, along with the hard physical work, can take a lot out of them.

Seeing such stressful things every day and dealing with all the feelings that come after makes their job hard and demanding.

#8. Teachers

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Teachers do more than impart knowledge; they navigate through varied student needs, administrative demands, and sometimes challenging parent-teacher relationships.

The emotional investment in students’ successes and struggles can be exhausting amidst navigating systemic limitations and expectations.

Trying to provide quality education amidst these complexities consistently creates a persistently challenging professional landscape.

#9. Artists

Woman painting
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Artists, no matter the type, often have to deal with not having steady money and always feeling the need to be new and different.

Having society not always value their work and dealing with the unstable nature of freelance jobs can make them anxious.

This, along with the deep personal feelings they put into their work, creates a work path that’s challenging and doesn’t have much stability.

#10. Entertainers

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Even though entertainers make people happy, they always feel the stress of keeping up a certain look and staying popular.

The ups and downs of the showbiz world, along with everyone watching and judging, make their job always stressful.

On top of that, they always have to come up with new things and put in a lot of effort, which can tire them out, both in their minds and bodies.

#11. Writers

Woman writing and working
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Writers live in imaginative worlds, yet this creativity carries an emotional weight.

Facing isolation, unpredictable pay, and sometimes writer’s block, their journey to create resonating work is constantly tested.

With industry competition and self-doubt looming, writing becomes a draining and emotionally taxing profession.

#12. Maintenance Workers

caucasian woman inspector during pre-purchase inspection, she wearing a red hardhat and protective eyewear and using a clipboard, home interior review
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Maintenance workers diligently uphold the backbone of our day-to-day environments, silently fixing and cleaning our utilized spaces without attracting attention.

Engaging in hard, physical labor to keep our surroundings safe and functional often transpires without receiving much-needed appreciation or acknowledgment.

The consistent, heavy lifting, coupled with a lack of recognition, renders their job both physically demanding and quietly emotionally exhausting.

How To Invest In Yourself

Photo Credit: pablocalvog via Deposit Photos.

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But many of us are unaware that the best returns are by investing in ourselves. When we improve ourselves, we have the ability to earn a lot more money, which makes it easier to become filthy rich.


Under The Table Jobs That Pay Cash

Photo Credit: starast via Deposit Photos.

If you need cash right away, a typical job won’t work for you. You will have to wait a week to get paid, or in some cases, two weeks.

Luckily there are other options out there. Here are the best places to make cash under the table and walk out with cash in hand at the end of the day.


Make Money While You Sleep

Photo Credit: AndreyPopov via Deposit Photos.

Yes, you can make money while you sleep. There are a handful of jobs out there that will earn you an income even after you stop working for the day.

The trick is finding the right one for you.


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Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

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Side hustles are a great way to earn some money.

But what many people don’t know is that some side hustles could replace your full time income.

Here is a complete list of side gigs that could earn you anywhere from a few extra bucks a month to a few thousand.


I Need Money Now

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Photo Credit: Shutterstock

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Whether it is for bills or unexpected expenses, here is how to get cash fast.

In many cases, you can have cash in your hands the same day.


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