In Need of Quick Cash? Use These 14 Tricks to Fatten Your Wallet On the Double


Are you in a tight financial pinch and need extra cash, fast?

Most of us can relate to the feeling of needing a quick buck or two, but without knowing exactly how to get it.

To put your mind at ease, we’ve researched the best tricks and strategies for making money quickly,not only saving you time from searching it out yourself, but also giving you real ideas or techniques that actually work.

In this article, we’ll share with you our top 14 strategies for fattening up those wallets in no time!

Read on to learn which methods will help jumpstart your bank balance right away.

1. Declutter Your House

garage sale
Photo Credit: trekandshoot via Deposit Photos.

Years ago, you had to hold a yard sale to sell your stuff.

Now you can take a pic with your phone and list the item in seconds.

The best part is there are specific apps for some items, like clothes.

For everything else, use Facebook Marketplace.

2. Sell Unwanted Gift Cards

how to turn gift cards into cash fast

Most of us have gift cards lying around to places we never intend to use.

Instead of letting that money go to waste, try selling the gift card to someone who wants it.

You won’t get the full value, but you can get close to it.

3. Get Good at Poker

Excited woman with mobile
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you regularly sweep up at your buddies’ poker night, you can make money playing online.

Any budding Daniel Negreanu must know the risks. “Gambling, of course, involves a lot of risks,” advises a commenter,” but making money fast involves a lot of risks.”

4. Identify A Marketable Talent

Man cleaning car
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We all have something we are good at or some experience we can offer. We can find different ways to make money by polishing up our strengths.

Can you clean cars? Start offering a mobile detailing service, or even rent a weed-whacker for the afternoon and go door-to-door, offering a quick service.

5. Invest in Crypto

Man with crypto coins
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“If you know market strategy, you can invest (an) amount in Crypto or Binary trading to earn more instantly,” says a gentleman, sounding rather like an ad.

He (it) is correct: short-term crypto trading still pays off for some people if you know how to. If, like me, crypto is your mental Kryptonite, some apps do the investing for you.

6. Fulfill An Unmet Demand

Woman selling products
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Sell something that everyone wants at an attractive price with a fat profit margin,” says a straight-talking individual, “as fast as you can fulfill orders.

One thing missing here is the capital required to secure that product. However, saving for a few months will give anybody a chance.

7. An Indian Lesson in Value

Man working stocks
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

A gentleman from India shares insight on how street trading works in Mumbai, explaining how one bag of garbanzos can grow in value when prepared well.

Taking stock of all overheads, he shows how “the end product would be so delicious” that an investment of 100 rupees can generate 70% profit. By upscaling this to more bags of legumes, he says, “This is how money makes money.”

8. Risk vs Reward

Man stealing
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The high-risk-high-gain strategy works for some individuals: bank robbers, substance dealers, and street workers, mainly.

Sadly, legal forms of fast money are just not abundant like illicit endeavors. There is a reason people turn to crime — they don’t have the patience for long-term rewards.

9. Take Advantage of Pawn Shops

Photo Credit: Milkos via Deposit Photos.

If you need quick cash and know you can pay it back in a short amount of time, consider pawning something of value.

While not ideal, you can get your hands on some money and still get your item back, assuming you are in a one-time jam.

10. Sell Plasma

Young Man donating blood/plasma
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One person suggests, “Sell your plasma.” There are plasma donation centers all over America, paying between $30 and $60 per session.

However, those considering this idea must be warned not to become reliant on selling one’s bodily fluid. This method should be regarded as for emergencies only.

11. Upcycling

Man fixing furniture
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you have time free, why not scour the thrift stores and junk yards for castaways? If you are adept at fixing, treating, or upscaling furniture, why not try it?

“If you are willing to spend your time fixing some of these items, you can make a lot of money,” promises a fan. “Finally, you can buy these broken items at a throwaway price and sell them at a better price after you’ve fixed them.”

12. Use What You Need

Woman with purse
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Only carry the amount of cash you need for that day,” a spending hawk suggests. “Leave the rest of your money and the credit cards you don’t need.”

The key here is leaving the cards at home. However, just wait until a cashless society is here!

13. Talk to Your Neighbors

excited middle age man
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

If money is tight, talk to your neighbors.

You’re not asking for money, but if they have any odd jobs they need help with.

Maybe they’re busy and could use someone to mow their lawn.

Or maybe they need a babysitter this weekend.

You never know unless you ask.

14. Face Reality

Man shrug
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Unless you are considering criminal activity, making a fast buck is a pipe dream for most. “Sell everything that you have, go to a casino, and put all your money in one number of the roulette!” jokes someone living in reality.

“Oh, you mean ‘make money fast and easy without the risk of losing everything? There’s no such thing.”

Make Money Sleeping

Photo Credit: AndreyPopov via Deposit Photos.

Yes, you can make money while you sleep. There are a handful of jobs out there that will earn you an income even after you stop working for the day.

The trick is finding the right one for you.


Legit Ways To Make $1,000 Fast

man holding cash
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.

Are you in need of cash fast? There are many things you can do, but a lot of the ideas out there only allow for a limited income.

Here are over 25 great ways to make up to $1,000 in a short amount of time.


Make Money With Your Body

Photo Credit: TarasMalyarevich via Deposit Photos.

Did you know you can make money with your body? While there are ways to earn an income doing things that you might consider objectionable, there are many other options out there that are quite normal.

Take for example selling blood plasma or taking part in research studies. If you want to know how to make money using your body (and put forth very little effort in the process) you need to check out this article.


Sell Feet Pictures For Serious Cash

Photo Credit: verona_S via Deposit Photos.

Selling pictures of your feet can be a significant income stream. Some people report earning six figures a year doing this easy job.

All you need is a camera and two feet and you are in business. Here is all you need to know to make life changing wealth selling images of your feet.


Under The Table Jobs That Pay Cash

Photo Credit: starast via Deposit Photos.

If you need cash right away, a typical job won’t work for you. You will have to wait a week to get paid, or in some cases, two weeks.

Luckily there are other options out there. Here are the best places to make cash under the table and walk out with cash in hand at the end of the day.


This thread inspired this post.

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